The solfatara of Pozzuoli - Best Western JFK Hotel Naples

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Solfatara of Pozzuoli: natural marvel close to Naples


The solfatara of Pozzuoli, scientific and cultural site of great interest, is one of the undisputed natural beauties of Naples.

The Best Western Hotel JFK Napoli, located in the proximities of the subway with which you can easily reach the solfatara, suggests to its guests to visit the area and spend a day in the nature far from the rumors of the city.


What is the solfatara of Pozzuoli?

The Campi Flegrei are a conglomerate of 40 ancient volcanoes in the north of Naples. Inside of the area the most particular volcano is the solfatara of Pozzuoli, which the ancient considered the entrance of Hell: there the secondary volcano’s activity was more evident because of the many fumaroles and mud jets.

Surrounded by 33 hectares of green park and located on a hill around 190 meters of altitude, the crater of the solfatara has the diameter of 600 meters.

Almost at the center of the crater there is the “fangaia”: the mud, used in the past for therapeutic uses, is still sold as beauty product with hydrothermal origin.

Coming closer to the "bocca grande”, you can see the fascinating steam jets which reach around 150° of temperature.


The visit of the solfatara is a real engaging experience. The impression is to be on a lunar landscape where the main color is light grey with the floor full of small holes created by the presence of fumaroles. One of the main characteristic of the solfatara, due to this small holes, is a grave rumble which can be heard by dropping a rock on the floor of some area of the crater. It looks like that under the surface there is a big cave. Inside of the park there are also the so-called “vecchie stufe” and the mineral water well.


One of the most striking phenomenon of the solfatara is the water steam condensation which is determined by putting a small flame close to a fumarole: the steams look progressively more intense since both the small solid particles produced by the combustion and the ions of atmospheric gases near the flame, act as vapor condensing cores.


In the area there are also a children’s play area, a bar, a souvenir shop, a camping area and a refreshment point. For August and September is planned an initiative called “Estate in Solfatara” during which you can visit the crater also during the evening.


Book now your room at Hotel JFK and enjoy the natural beauties of Naples!

Hotel JFK Naples, always at your service.



Photo of Itto Ogami [CC BY 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
